MISSSENNA Jewelry | 10 MINS to learn about the natural charm of gemstones


In many cultures, ruby is believed to represent passion, love, and courage. Ruby is commonly known as the "stone of love" due to its association with passion and courage.  According to legend, wearing a ruby ring on the left hand can bestow magical powers that can transform negative circumstances into positive outcomes.

Ruby was believed to protect the wearer from evil spirits and bring good fortune, to enhance passion, promote courage, and bring vitality and energy. It is also associated with the root chakra, which is believed to govern grounding and stability.

It is one of the four precious gemstones, along with diamond, emerald, and sapphire. 



Sapphire is believed to represent wisdom, truth, and spiritual enlightenment. In ancient times, sapphire was considered to be the stone of royalty.

Since ancient times, sapphire has been a crown that symbolizes status and rights. ancient Rome and ancient Greece, people used it to decorate churches and temples as a tribute to religious ceremonies

It is also believed to enhance intuition, promote spiritual growth, and bring inner peace. It is also associated with the throat chakra, which is believed to govern communication and self-expression.



Emeralds are believed to symbolize hope, renewal, and growth. It was also believed that emeralds could provide protection against evil spirits and enhance the wearer's intuition. 

In Hindu mythology, emeralds were associated with the planet Mercury and were believed to increase one's wisdom to those who wore them.

The ancient Greeks associated emeralds with the goddess Venus, the goddess of love and beauty. They believed that wearing an emerald would increase the chance of a successful love confession.



According to Greek mythology, Hades, the god of the underworld, fell in love with Persephone, the daughter of the goddess of agriculture. Hades gave the garnet stone as a gift to Persephone.

Garnets became known as the "gem of faith" and was believed to bring light to dark situations. It was also thought to promote love and devotion.

Garnet has been used for centuries for its physical healing properties. It is said to help with blood disorders, improve circulation, and alleviate depression. So it's well-known as the women's stone. It's helpful when they are in period.

It could provide protection. In medieval times, garnets were associated with the blood of Christ and were thought to have the power to protect against wounds and poison.



According to Greek mythology, Amethyst was a young virgin who was pursued by the god of wine, Dionysus. In order to escape his advances, she prayed to the goddess Artemis, who transformed her into a white stone. Dionysus, feeling remorseful for his actions, poured wine over the stone, turning it purple and creating the gem we know today as amethyst.

Therefore, amethyst was believed to ward off drunkenness and promote sobriety. This belief was so strong that wine goblets were often carved from amethyst in order to prevent the drinker from becoming intoxicated. Amethyst was also believed to have healing powers and was used to treat a variety of ailments such as headaches, insomnia, and digestive issues.

Amethyst has also been associated with spiritual and emotional healing. It is believed to enhance intuition and spiritual awareness, as well as promote calmness and balance in the mind and body.You could wear amethyst during meditation.



Aquamarine is a gemstone that has long been associated with the power of the ocean. it was believed to protect sailors and ensure their safe passage across the sea.

Aquamarine was believed to be the treasure of mermaids,  it's the tears of mermaids. According to the legend, a group of mermaids was playing in the ocean when they witnessed the beauty of a rainbow. One of the mermaids became so overwhelmed with emotion that she began to cry tears of joy, which fell into the ocean and were transformed into aquamarine.

It is also said to bring calm and clarity to the mind, allowing for greater communication and self-expression and helping to enhance creativity and inspire a greater sense of purpose and direction in life.t was believed that if an individual held an aquamarine under their tongue during a full moon, they would be able to see into the future and gain insight into their destiny.



Moissanite has become a popular alternative to diamonds in recent years due to its similar appearance and lower cost. It is often associated with love and commitment. It is said to represent the eternal bond between two people and is often used in engagement rings. 

A legend tells of a great fire that swept through the desert, burning everything in its path. When the flames died down, the people discovered shimmering stones that had been created by the intense heat. These stones were said to be moissanite, formed from the sand and carbon that had been fused together by the fire. It usually was associated with ever lasting love.



Pearls have been a symbol of beauty, purity for centuries.

In ancient Greece, where it was believed that pearls were the tears of Aphrodite, the goddess of love and beauty. Legend has it that when Aphrodite was born from the sea foam, her tears fell into the ocean and turned into pearls. So pearls usually were related to beauty.

In Hindu mythology, pearls are associated with the god Krishna. It is said that he discovered the first pearl while exploring the depths of the ocean. He then gave this pearl to his daughter on her wedding day as a symbol of love and prosperity.

Pearls have also been associated with various healing properties throughout history. In ancient China, they were believed to have medicinal properties and were used to treat various ailments. In medieval Europe, they were thought to cure insanity and protect against evil spirits.



Larimar is a rare blue variety of the mineral pectolite, found only in the Dominican Republic. Larimar is often associated with the sea and the sky due to its blue color. It is also believed to represent clarity, truthfulness, and clear communication.



Peridot was considered the "gem of the sun" and was believed to have been created by the sun's rays. The Egyptians also believed that peridot had protective powers and could ward off evil spirits.

In medieval Europe, peridot was believed to have healing powers and was used to treat various ailments such as asthma and liver problems. It was also thought to have magical properties and was used in spells and talismans.

It is also believed to enhance creativity and aid in spiritual growth and transformation.



Diopside is often associated with growth and renewal. Its green color is reminiscent of nature and growth. It is also believed to help one connect with their inner self and find inner peace. Diopside is also said to promote emotional well-being and stability.


Tourmaline, the stone of the rainbow, it's believed that it got its vibrant colors because it traveled along a rainbow and gathered all the rainbow's colors. Ancient Romans believed that it could attract love and friendship.

Tourmaline comes in a variety of colors, The meaning and symbolism of tourmaline vary depending on the color of the stone. Black tourmaline is believed to provide protection against negative energy and promote grounding. Blue tourmaline is said to enhance communication and self-expression, while green tourmaline is associated with prosperity and abundance. Pink tourmaline is believed to promote love and emotional healing, while red tourmaline is thought to increase vitality and physical energy. Yellow tourmaline is said to enhance creativity and self-confidence.



Opals were believed to possess magical powers.It is associated with Hope.

Opals comes from Australia, which is one of the world's largest producers of opals. According to Aboriginal legend, the creator came down to Earth on a rainbow and brought with him a message of peace to all humans. As his feet touched the ground, the stones beneath him began to sparkle in all the colors of the rainbow, creating the first opals.

Opals are often used as birthstones for those born in October, and they are also associated with the astrological sign of Libra. In addition, opals are sometimes given as gifts for 14th wedding anniversaries.



The name "topaz" comes from the Greek word "topazos," which means "to seek." it is considered a sacred stone that represents the throat chakra and is associated with communication and self-expression.

The god Apollo wore it all the time and it's believed that it could bring wisdom and knowledge to people.

In medieval Europe, topaz was believed to have the power to break spells and dispel anger. It was also thought to be a symbol of love and affection, and was often given as a gift between lovers.

Today, topaz is still believed to have healing properties and found in a variety of colors, including yellow, orange, blue, pink, and colorless.



Citrine is associated with the solar plexus chakra, which is the center of personal power and self-confidence. It can help to balance this chakra and promote feelings of self-worth and confidence. Carrying a citrine stone can attract wealth and prosperity into one's life.Citrine is often used as a birthstone for November and is associated with the zodiac sign of Scorpio.



Tanzanite is found only in the Mererani Hills of Northern Tanzania. It is a stone of transformation, helping individuals to overcome challenges and obstacles in their lives. It is associated with the throat chakra, which is believed to govern communication, self-expression, and creativity.



Turquoise is considered a sacred stone that represents protection, healing, and wisdom. It is believed to have the power to ward off evil spirits and negative energy. The stone is also thought to have healing properties and is often used in traditional medicine practices. The stone was believed to bring good luck and protect against harm.

In many cultures, turquoise is associated with the throat chakra, which is said to govern communication and self-expression. It is believed that wearing turquoise can help to improve communication skills and enhance creativity.



Zircon was believed to bring wisdom, wealth, and success to those who wore it and it can help with physical ailments such as insomnia, allergies, and asthma. In Hindu mythology, zircon was associated with the goddess Lakshmi, who represented wealth and prosperity.

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