Collection: Lucky Colors

❤what is  Five Elements Color Energy ?

Different colors of crystal stones contain different energies. There are two ways to find your lucky color

1. Fengshui 5 elements system

Feng shui is a Chinese philosophy that studies the interaction of humans and their environments. One of the key concepts in feng shui is the five elements. The five elements are wood, fire, earth, metal and water,which are the building blocks of everything in the universe. 

How to find your element?

🔔use your birth date and time to calculate your balance of elements based on Chinese astrology to find out you dominant elements and what elements you lack then find your corresponding gemjewels——

💛Gold: White, Silver, Gold

💚Wood: Green

💙Water: Blue,Black

❤️Fire: Red, Pink,Orange

❤ Earth: Yellow, Brown


2.Chakra testing

You can also find your low frequency energy areas through chakra testing online and enhance yourself low by wearing the corresponding gemjewels.✨


❤️Red&Pink: boosts confidence&passion
🧡Orange: relieves emotional stress
💛Yellow: Enhances perseverance
💚Green: Transformation of sorrow
💙Blue: Communicates calmness 
💞Indigo: Improves concentration 
💜Purple: Enhances intuition

❤  Black: Bring camlness and balance